Core Learning Outcomes


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CLO Reflection Assignment; Beginning of the term

The two CLO’s I chose to focus on are Create and Apply. I chose create, because I really want to tune up my creative skills and not have such a black and white view on how I do things, I want to experiment with doing things differently and reflect on if the way I chose to do things was beneficial or not. Basically to broaden my horizons, this should help me succeed in my education. On a level of 1 to 5 on this CLO, I’d rate myself a 3. One way to improve on this would be to keep persisting, even when I get frustrated. I have a bad habit of throwing in the towel when I do not make headway. I also chose apply because I have a tendency to learn things and not utilize them, so I essentially forget what I learned because I never ended up applying them. This is a big one for me, not just at school, but at work and home as well. On a level of 1 to 5, I would rate myself a 3. One way to improve on this area would be to reflect after applying the knowledge, was this effective? Can I improve? I believe if I make a conscious decision to improve on these two area’s, it should become habitual.

Mid-Term CLO’s

The two CLO’s I chose at the beginning of the term were Create and Apply. One thing I’ve done in class so far to help me improve on the Create portion is learning new reading techniques and tools, reading from a different stand point, taking notes and researching has made creating so much easier. One thing I have done in my daily life to improve skills is consciously apply knowledge I learned instead of sticking to routine. This has helped at work a lot. One challenge I have faced is persistence when it gets hard, it comes natural to me to back off when I find something difficult. I am currently overcoming this by acknowledging the fact I do that, and pushing through when it gets difficult. One assignment I feel like helped me with Creating was breaking Ralph Waldo Emerson’s speech down into an outline, I tend to get overwhelmed with a multitude of information, which makes it difficult for me to produce structured work. But breaking it down really gave me a clear structure, making it easy to produce an organized summary. I will continue to use this tool. Another assignment that helped me with Applying was the Rhetorical Analysis of Randall Bass’s “Disrupting Ourselves” writing. I really had to pull together all the tools I have been taught in writing 121 to produce an acquit analysis.

Final CLO’s

The two CLO’s I chose at the beginning of the term were Create and Apply. On a level of 1 to 5 on both CLO’s, I rated myself a 3. At the end of the term, I believe I have moved up to a 4. One assignment that pushed me to improve on both area’s was the Final Research Essay. I struggled relating two topics to each other that we read about in class.It really pushed my creativity and forced me to apply what I had learned throughout this course. Outside of class, I believe my work has helped me improve my CLO’s, I am forced to be  creative at work, thinking outside the box on problem solving, and applying what I have learned. By the end of this course, I didn’t feel as overwhelmed with assignments as I did in the beginning. I was able to produce work more effectively by applying what I had learned.